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Ummah Welfare Trust is the trading name for Amanat Charity Trust. Reg Charity No. England & Wales 1000851; Scotland SC043084


     1. This privacy notice governs the processing of any personal information collected by us through our website, w (the "Site"), as well as our other interactions with you, our donors. Our primary goal in gathering information is to ensure that you have a pleasant and efficient experience while using our services.


     2. Humanity Appeal, an English and Welsh registered charity with charity number 1194297 ('we,' 'us,' 'our,' 'the charity').


     3. We are a 'Data Controller' for the purposes of the current Data Protection Act 1998, and we will continue to be so under the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) ('GDPR') and the legislation that will replace the 1998 Act while carrying out charitable purposes.


     4. We will follow data protection regulations as a result of the law and principles, your information will be:

When used lawfully, fairly, and transparently;
It is collected only for legitimate purposes that we have clearly explained to you, and not used in any way that contradicts those purposes.
Relevant to the purposes we've mentioned and limited to those purposes only.
Up to date and accurate.
Only kept for as long as necessary for the purposes stated.
Safely stored.

     5. We will only use your personal information when permitted by law. We will most commonly use your personal information in the following situations:

Where you have given your permission.
Where we must perform the contract we are about to sign or have agreed to with you
Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or the legitimate interests of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not outweigh those interests.
Where we must comply with a legal or regulatory requirement.
We will obtain your permission using the following methods:
Give us your permission verbally, such as over the phone; checking a box or clicking an icon on our Site; sending an email, submitting a form, or subscribing to a service.
When we ask for your permission to use your personal information, we will tell you what we intend to do with it and, except as described in this policy, we will not use it for any other purpose.

     6. We may collect, store, and use the following categories of personal information:

Your name, contact information (address, email, and phone number);
Payment information used to make donations;
Information about your computer and visits to and use of this website, such as your IP address, geographical location, browser type, referral source, length of visit, and page views
Information provided to us for the purpose of registering with us; information provided to us for the purpose of subscribing to our website services, email notifications, text shots, online feedback including blogs, adding comments, and discussion forum; and any other information that you send to us.
We do not typically collect "special categories" of personal data from our donors or Site visitors. If you provide us with any special category data, we will take extra precautions to protect your rights.

If you are a current donor or subscribe to our email service, we will contact you on a regular basis with information about our projects around the world, as well as current appeals and campaigns.
Paraphrase without limits.

     7.If you do not want to receive such emails and information from us in the future, please click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email.

     8. We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

Allow for the donation to be processed.

Improve our communication efforts by communicating with you.
Analyze Site usage statistically.
Enhance our content.
Customize the content, layout, and services on our website.
We believe that these uses enable us to improve our Site and better tailor it to the needs of our users.

We do not sell or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties. The only exception is that when you use our secure online donation pages, you are directed to a secure payment provider that has been approved by the banking industry.

We will not share your personal information with third parties for direct marketing purposes; however, we may occasionally collaborate with third parties to contact you.

However, the third party would be bound by a confidentiality agreement that would prevent them from using this information for any other purpose than to inform our donors and supporters about Ummah Welfare Trust. Furthermore, they must process personal data in accordance with this Privacy Notice and as permitted by the GDPR, the Data Protection Act 1998 and, subsequently, the Data Protection Act 2018 (subject to royal assent), the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and the E-Privacy Regulations when they become effective.

The following are examples of third-party providers:

Printech Ltd.
We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably believe that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose.
We will not disclose your information to third parties except as stated in this privacy notice.

     9. In addition to the disclosures reasonably necessary for the purposes identified elsewhere in this privacy notice, we may disclose information about you if required by law; in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings; or to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for purpose of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk). We will not disclose your information to third parties except as stated in this privacy notice.


     10. We may store, process, and transfer information collected in any of the countries in which we operate in order to use the information in accordance with this privacy notice. If you are in the EEA, the information you provide may be transferred to countries that do not have data protection laws that are comparable to those in the EEA. We will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place in these cases by:

Creating a legally binding written agreement with each of our international subsidiaries that includes standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission.
Adoption of legally binding corporate rules in relation to


     11. We will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, or alteration. Data transmission over the internet is, by definition, insecure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet. You are responsible for keeping your password and user information private.


     12. We will only keep your personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, including any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.


We consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, and the purposes for which we collect personal data to determine the appropriate retention period.
Details on retention periods for various aspects of your personal information can be found in our retention policy, which you can obtain by contacting us.

     13. It is critical that the personal information we have on file for you is correct and up to date. Please notify us if your personal information changes during the course of your business relationship with us.

Under certain conditions, you have the legal right to:


a) Request access to your personal information (also known as a "data subject access request"). This allows you to obtain a copy of the personal information we have on file for you and ensure that we are processing it lawfully.

b) Request that we correct the personal information we have on file for you. This allows you to have any incomplete or incorrect information we have on file for you corrected.

c) Request that your personal information be erased. This allows you to request that we delete or remove personal information where there is no good reason for us to continue processing it You may also request that we delete or remove your personal information if you have exercised your right to object to processing (see below).

d) Object to processing of your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or the legitimate interest of a third party) and there is something about your specific situation that makes you want to object to processing on this basis. You also have the right to object when we use your personal information for direct marketing.

e) Request that your personal information be restricted from being processed. This allows you to request that we halt the processing of personal information about you, for example. If you want us to verify its accuracy or the reason for processing it, please let us know.

f) Request that your personal information be transferred to another party.

g) Please contact if you want to review, verify, correct, or request the erasure of your personal information, object to the processing of your personal data or request that we transfer a copy of your personal information to another party. Please keep in mind that in some cases, these rights do not apply, and we may refuse to process your request.


You will not be charged a fee to gain access to your personal information (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee Alternatively, in such cases, we may refuse to comply with the request.

We may need to ask you for specific information to confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is yet another appropriate security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to anyone who does not have the legal authority to receive it.


     14. In the limited circumstances where you have given your consent to the collection, processing, and transfer of your personal information for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Please contact to withdraw your consent. We will notify you once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your
We will no longer process your information for the original purpose or purposes you agreed to, unless we have another legal basis to do so.


     15. We take seriously any complaints about the collection and use of personal information. If you believe that our collection or use of information is unfair, misleading, or inappropriate, we encourage you to notify us. You can contact us at any time to file a complaint (see contact details section below).

If you believe our collection or use of personal information is unfair, misleading, or inappropriate, or if you have concerns about the security of your personal information, you may file a complaint with the Office of the Commissioner You can reach the Office of the Information Commissioner at the following address: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, Information Commissioner's Office

Please contact us at:
You can contact us by e-mail at or by mail at the following address:

378 Manchester Road, Bolton, BL3 2RQTel: 01204525187(Monday-Friday 9:00am-6:00pm,)


     16. There are links to other websites on the website. We are not responsible for third-party websites' privacy policies or practices.


     17. Humanity Appeal values the accuracy of your personal identifying information. We're looking into ways to make it easier for you to review and correct the information Humanity Appeal has on file for you.

You can change your contact information on the website by logging in to your personal account. You can also select how you want us to communicate with you.
. You can also select how you would like us to communicate with you.

Meanwhile, if your email address changes or any of the other information we have on file becomes inaccurate or out of date, please email us at or write to Customer Services, Humanity appeal, 378 Manchester Road, Bolton, BL32RQ.


     18. We do not store credit card information, nor do we share donor, supporter, or beneficiary information with third parties.


     19. We reserve the right to update this privacy notice at any time by posting a new version on our website.


     20. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice or our use of your personal information, please contact

Head Office:

378 Manchester Road
Bolton, BL3 2RQ

​Office & Donation Times:

9:00am – 6:00pm (Mon-Fri)
10:00am – 5:00pm (Sat)

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Reg Charity No. England & Wales 1194297

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