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The Messenger of Allah ï·º said:

‘The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.'



Hifdh sponsorship

Allah has bestowed a great blessing on His servants by allowing them to memorise the Noble Qur'an. Previous nations were unable to memorise their scriptures, but millions of Muslims, young and old, have memorised the Qur'an and will do so until the Last Day, inshaAllah.


Humanity Appeal seeks to support this beautiful tradition by sponsoring poor students all over the world who wish to memorise Allah's Book. Students whose families cannot afford a teacher are given monthly stipends to help them achieve their goals.


One of the best forms of Sadaqah Jariyah is to sponsor a Hifdh student. So long as the recipient is alive, a donor can expect Allah's blessings. If the recipient passed on his knowledge before his death, the rewards continue through his students.

InshaAllah, the Hifdh sponsorship programme will bear long-term benefits for the Ummah. The charity hopes that by supporting young students, they will be able to become future teachers of Islam and carriers of the truth.


Please keep in mind that Humanity appeal will send you an annual progress report on the student you sponsor. Please call the donation line at 01204 525187 to renew your sponsorship for West Bengal.


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