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Donation Policy 

Donation Scholarships

Giving a man food will help him for a day. But give him the tools to sustain himself and his family. We want to help the young to get jobs in the emerging IT sector by providing them with laptops, training material and an education that will lead them to success. 

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Zakah & Sadaqah Donations

'Sadaqah wipes out sins like water extinguishes fire'

Emergency Food Packages

'He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbour is hungry'

Funding Water Pumps 

'The best charity is giving water to drink'

humanity appeal

The UK-based non-profit organisation Humanity Appeal works to aid people around the world. They seek to reduce poverty and suffering all around the world and is motivated by the Islamic values of empathy, compassion, and selflessness.


'The Muslims are like a single man. If the eye is afflicted then the whole body is afflicted. If the head is afflicted then the whole body is afflicted'
~ Sahih Muslim 2586

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

BE inspired

Thanks for submitting!

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